We are all energy. Yes we have physical bodies, but our souls are pure energy. Not the energy that can power a computer or a house, it's an energy that powers us. Our energy comes from one source. That source has many names: God, Om, The Holy Spirit, etc. While it is true that God is alive, we are a physical extension of Om himself. Through him, we are all connected.
If we Are One, why do people still hurt other people?
Some people can not feel this connection. They have cut themselves off from being one with everyone. They feel the need to hurt others, because it makes them feel in control. They can not feel the positive from being connected, because they allowed themselves to be cut off.
If one is Cut off, how can the get rejoined?
You can't really be cut off, you only feel that way. In order to 're-open' this connection, you need to find why you cut yourself off in the first place. When you find that, you know how to get around it.
Why don't I feel like I'm connected?
Don't feel bad. The truth is that almost everyone alive today have been cut off from oneness. We need to reconnect fast. Our world is in a terrible state now, because of greed, hatred, and power. Those three things are just a few that will cut yourself off from oneness. You can not care for others when you want everything they have, or you hate them or want to control them.
Is suicide a feeling from not being Connected?
It may be. I believe it is though. The feeling that you want to kill yourself is the worst feeling in the world. If you feel this way, I would suggest meditation. Ask your Spirit Guides for help and to send you loving feelings. Ask your guardian angels. They are here to help. Use them.
~Love and Peace be with you! Namaste
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