For hundreds of years (if not thousands) people have argued the creation of our Universe.
1."The Big Bang created all things, and still continues to create new things."
2. "Humanity is nothing more than an accident."
3. "God Created all things in 6 days."
4. "Om-Father and Mother Azna created all things."
5. "Satan is really disguised as God, and he created all things."
1. In order for the Big Bang to have taken place, their must have been something there to start it. Nothing just doesn't move into nothing and create everything. It's literally impossible (I am aware that there are other 'theories' on how this happened, but that takes away the original idea of a Big Bang if you keep changing it).
Also, sound doesn't travel in space, so really it was just a big, silent explosion if anything.
It's hard for me to believe this theory.
2. That's a pretty big accident. Who made the accident? Was it aliens? a fluke, or was it some ancient star being who was messing around with chemicals? If we are an accident, how are we so perfectly made? How are we able to create beautiful things, how are we able to feel emotions and pain? How can we speak and understand each other? Humanity is one race with many languages. Other species can always understand each other, because of communication. But two humans who speak different languages into one room, they have no clue what the other is saying.
If humanity is an accident, this theory is an accident.
3. I believed in this for a long time. But it poses the problem of "Where did God come from?"
That is easy to answer. If there is a being as powerful as God (I know there is, but just for arguments sake) is it really hard to believe that this Universe isn't his first that he had created? Even scientists hold theories of other Universes being real, so why couldn't God have come from there?
But back to the 6 day makes no sense. Why would God make plant life before the sun? How did the plants grow? If you plant seeds and cut off their life supply, they aren't going to grow. Any farmer/gardener can tell you that. The Creation Story in the Bible makes little sense to me.
Day #1 "God separated the light from the darkness,"
What does this mean? There are no stars yet, so what was giving off light? Darkness is the absence of light, so if light wasn't created yet, there is no 'darkness'. But anyway, let's keep going.
Day #2 "God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it sky. There were no oceans yet, only a fog that served as the atmosphere. God 'hovering over the water' describes him above the atmosphere,"
Wait...where did he create sky? Not every planet has water! Where is he? Is he still working with his Universal lamp? (the light from day #1) Where is the sun? Is this even Earth? What is going on?
Day #3 "God separated the waters and made 'land' he called the water 'seas'. The first plants also sprung forth."
So there wasn't any land prior to the fog stuff? Earth was like Jupiter, I guess. But earth would have been really hot...above boiling point if there was fog (or super cool) so how would planet survive this? There wasn't any sun giving them vitamins to grow what's up?
Day #4 "God created the Sun, Moon and the Stars to give light to the earth and to serve as markers of the seasons."
So the light from Day #1 wasn't the sun! I knew it. So what happened to that other light source? Did God no longer need it?
Also...Earth was the first thing in space to be created? What was it orbiting? It wasn't in any Galaxy either, so it was just alone in space? Not even the moon was there?
When did God create gravity?
Day #5 "God filled the oceans with life and the skies with birds. He told them to be fruitful and multiply," So there wasn't insects around yet. Don't a lot of birds eat insects? Were those birds sitting around talking about how hungry they were?
Day #6 "God created the rest of the land animals, he also created man. Adam." So what did Adam eat? Plants...animals...what? I doubt there was death in those days, so he ate plants? Apparently so, because God told him not to eat from one tree.
And when did Eve get into the picture? Day 6...7 or later? Adam being alone for ten minuets is hardly enough time for him to realize he was alone. Also...the feeling of being alone is bad. Why was there bad stuff in the world, God? Adam didn't eat the fruit yet!
Day #7 "God decided to take the day off and rest. He made it holy, and mandatory to rest one day out of the week," just created all of creation. I like that you took the day off. Also...when did God create the bad fruit? What about Lilith? Where did Eve come from, what about the other humans? The other species on other planets? The atmospheres and waters on the other planets? When did you create the other planets?
Alright, so I know creation happened, I'm happy that it did! But I don't think the Bible had it right. After all, Adam didn't write Genesis, he was dead before it was written. So it was bound to get messed up a little.
I'm not bad mouth God at all, but the Bible's Creation just leaves too many questions.
4. Om-Father and Azna created all things. God uses his energy to keep all the Universes together. Mother Azna gave us emotions, as we were a dull race without them. She interacts with us and helps us. God holds all of His reality together.
(I believe this one!)
5. Satan is not disguised as God!
End of story.